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The Shift

It so used to happen that while growing up in a Hindu Brahmin family, you were bound to be religious - or Faith-driven (for the most part). Temple visits were as common as having dinner or going to college. It was a routine. Going to a Hanuman temple on a Saturday was mandatory - or the day would be incomplete. Such was the devotion I used to have while growing up. I remember going to the Subramaniam temple - or as our family calls it The Chedda Nagar Kovil (temple) once a month was an extremely fulfilling religious release.

I have made numerous trips to Shirdi and Tirupati and have enjoyed them for the most part. Travelling to get there might be hell (sorry) and the never-ending queues might drive one insane but for the "fraction of a second" that we get to see Baba's face or Lord Balaji's divine stance, the endless worries just melt away and time stands still, however fleeting that instance might be.

The reason I write this post is because quite recently I have been getting the feeling that going to a temple or a religious place might not be that necessary. This is probably blasphemous in my circle but growing older (and hopefully wiser), staying in a different country for a long time just altered my perception that it might just be okay to be religious without having the need to go to temples every Saturday (or any other day).

I am just hoping that being this way - rather getting converted into this avatar is not going to affect me negatively (after all, there is always this fear in the back of the mind). In most cases, I was/am a strong believer in myself and that I need to have divine intervention only when things happen that are not in my control - in other words, being lucky when it matters most. And God knows, I have been lucky on several occasions in my life, so far.

I also have to say I am being more of a realistic individual nowadays as much as being practical. The movie Oh My God! really touched a chord with me. The situations portrayed with examples given made me think. Aren't they really true in most situations? We waste so many precious resources that could be easily used for the betterment of the poor people thronging the temple footsteps. Even today, the beggars line up the temple that I used to frequent that it pains me to see their plight. The temple itself has undergone renovations but the beggars stay as they are. How much is a rupee or two from me or you going to change their lives?

Maybe I slightly diverted from my original intentions of this post but it seems to me all of them are connected some way or the other. Maybe for better or worse I think the balance that I am striking between my faith and God-fearing attitude suits me well for my lifestyle that I have right now.

Has something changed in your beliefs? Let me know if it's in just me that this transformation has happened or if you are experiencing this shift as well.


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