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Sunday Night Update

Watched the first presidential debate on friday night between John McCain and Barack Obama. Good timepass on a friday night, if you are into these things. I have been taking a keen interest in politics lately and it keeps the clock ticking for me after I reach home from work. 

I am particularly annoyed and irritated at both these candidates on the Iraq war for always ignoring the fact that over 100,000 Iraqis have lost their lives. What wrong did they do? And there aren't too many news outlets that are willing to show the plight of (Iraqi) families who lost near and dear ones. That's obvious, isn't it?

Barack Obama looks confident and ready moreso that John McCain to lead the United States for the next 4 years. Looking forward to the Joe Biden - Sarah Palin debate this coming thursday. Should be interesting to see Palin talk extempore without a teleprompter. 

Back to some sunday night news here. For the first time in few years since I started following football, I felt bored midway through the Vikings-Titans game and went off to sleep. Just one of those days I think when the conditions outside (cold and gloomy as hell) contribute to these aberrations. I love football though. 

And just as I was starting to write this blog, the ceiling the bathroom started leaking water as the pipe in the floor above burst without warning. After an hour or so of water leakage, it is finally under control. I can understand the agony of Hurricane affected people now. Thankfully, it happened on a sunday night. And it could have been worse. Check this out for what happened. This is kind of my Youtube moment. 

More reasons not to live in this damned apartment complex. The lady in whose house this all started, moved in this month and has vowed not to renew her lease after 6 months. My lease gets over at the end of October and I will be moving out for good from here. Good riddance, but hope nothing happens here till that time.


Anonymous said…
Thats a scary scene !!
Next time you look for an apartment be sure to check(gingerly)apartment and also who stays in the adjacent apartments.
It was horrific to see water falling from where the light bulb was. There is significant damage to the bathroom and the adjacent walls. My last month in this apartment.
Anonymous said…
You have a chance to try out an american tradition of "suing". What say ?
None of my belongings were damaged. I just want to get out of this place with no further tussles with the owner/management. Had some of my stuff been damaged, I would have contacted my Renter's Insurance and then considered suing. :) Thanks for your advice though.
Anonymous said…
All the best for apartment search.
Do share your apartment search experience :)

You haven't introduced yourself. I am looking for apartments right now. Quite a tedious and a boring thing to do.
Anonymous said…
Watched the vice presedential debate yesterday night between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin.
I thought it was a clear display of lack of information and experience by Gov. Palin. She even didn't answer a few questions posed by Gwen Ifill and tried to fill up the time with some ill fiting words. Well, she still did exceed the expectations of many people by mentioning the about the tax issues of the middle class.
Joe Biden was good overall. He used same strategy as McCain- by resonating his huge experience. A good performance by this professional debater.
Lets wait till 4th November to know whether Sen. Biden wins this election for Obama or Gov. Palin for McCain.
It was a good debate yesterday. I thought Joe Biden was much stronger in speech and personality. He almost teared up when the speech veered towards his first wife and daughter who died in a car crash.

During one of his personal interviews, he almost excused himself from the interviewer so that he could let those emotions go (again the topic was his wife and daughter).

Strong character - Joe Biden.
Anonymous said…
Women are famous for being emotional and displaying emotions publicly, but it was a rare moment where a Man happened to show his emotional side. I saw Joe Biden treading a different path than other men ever had done in debates. He definetly is strong debater and he proved it yesterday.
In terms of positive and negative campaining, Republicans (George W Bush) were much more negative than the Democrats (John Kerry) in 2004. It worked then. Not sure if it would work now. McCain has been running much more negative ads than Obama. Hope the people who vote are smarter this time around than they were 4 years ago.

You are dead right about Joe Biden in your last comment.

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