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Go Goa Gone - The Finale

With the thrill of Goa evaporating quickly, it's best to put those last three days in perspective.

August 16th: Saint Nishit's birthday. The oldest in the gang and he proved it by wanting to "talk about life". He backed it up by wearing a Sadhu-type outfit for his b-day. Day started with breakfast at Baga at one of the places that refused to lower the volume the previous night. With a horrid breakfast out of way with the kids having a great time in the sand, off we went to The Mango Tree for lunch. Decent affair I would say.

In the evening, we went to the pool and people got to see Icebergs. Oh, sorry, that was 4 fully grown men completely unashamed of their bodies, flaunting away. Sam resembled the closest to what we should've been like but hey, you don't get to see glaciers in Mid-August in India. So enjoy while they last :)

Dinner at Tito's and for once we lucked out. Great food, great ambiance and pouring rain (when we were inside).

Late night we celebrated Goat's birthday in his hotel room. We followed the cake cutting with drinks. Regular, Chili and Honey flavored Vodka and Wine. We drank but alas, no one got drunk. Card games followed and a laugh-riot ensued because of Saint Nishit flubbing his moves.

August 17th: Goat turns a leaf over (or eats one - whatever). We have a spectacularly cheesy time at lunch (at 4:00 PM nonetheless) at Infanteria. Again, high marks for food. Avishku gave us a glimpse of what was coming at night with her "shake of approval" after munching a tiny piece of cake.

Rain did dampen the surroundings but not our mood. At night, we gathered again at Sam's and this time an even bigger laugh-filled evening thanks to Avishka's (running a high fever) antics - non-stop blabbering for about 10 mins - which was hilarious and then some rib-tickling and howlarious moments from a round of Dumb Charades (sorry, Nandu). Nans was engrossed in her drawings and coloring on the iPad, totally oblivious to the adults' idea of fun - Chota Bheem certainly helped and kept her away from the madness. All in all, a fantastic end to the 2 birthdays.

August 18th: Dread looming over the return leg of the trip. Sam-Nandu, M+A+Nans managed to go to Baga again for a round of "dubki" and no sooner than they returned to the hotel, it was time to go. Avish didn't get any better over-night but she behaved nicely for an ill-kid.

The taxi ride to the airport was an adventure to say the least. Fearing we may miss the flight based on warning from Sam, thankfully we did manage to get in well ahead of the departure. One last bit of ridiculousness was in store in the flight. Knowing this was a low-cost carrier (JetKonnect), Nishit and Mayank knew other than water, nothing was going to be offered (for free, that is). We had some bhel leftover. So an ingenious plan was hatched. Each one of us required to ask for a glass of water (thirsty or not). Once empty, the same cup was used for the bhel. Terrific and embarrassing.

Soon, we landed and it was time for good byes. There it was, a memorable 4-day trip just going pfft!! But what 4-days they were.

A fabulous gang of 10 fitting with each other so comfortably. Wish we could do more....

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, so did this one trip and this blog.

The end.


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