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The Seven Year Itch

My journey to India has completed just more than 3 months and now, unexpectedly, I find myself on a trip through Europe (of all the places). Thank you, Wipro. So as I prepared myself for this trip to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, a lot of my older memories from my first international flight are flashing right in front of me.

Just a little over 7 years ago, precisely in the wee hours of August 8, 2002, I boarded a Lufthansa flight enroute to Chicago (and Cleveland) via Frankfurt. Brought back a lot of nostalgia from that night. While on that night, I kept thinking, is a Master’s degree really worth staying away from my parents; last night, I thought, wow, what an opportunity to make a name for myself. 7 years have passed since that maiden flight out of India and here I am all grown up and (nervously) ready to win some business for my company. Boarded from the Bengaluru International Airport and must say, it is an International Airport. By the time I got to my seat, my battery was dead and I slept throughout the plane ride, not even waking up for food or for a mandatory trip to the loo. Those who know me know that I will eat, no matter the time or place. Quite unlike me, this time around!

Caught the Inter City Express (ICE) train from Frankfurt to Amsterdam-Schiphol. A very comfortable 4 hour ride, speeding past Germany and into the Netherlands at average speeds of 220 km/hr.

My early winter expedition through Amsterdam should last for 2-3 weeks, but that should be enough for now. As beautiful as the scenario is now, I wouldn’t mind (in fact, I would love to) coming back with Kirti and enjoy Europe once again. Oh well, lets hope this trip gets me back here soon. Ever the optimist!!

For those who know about this trip, the one thing almost all of them have said is to visit the Red Light District in Amsterdam. Sure, I will (and shall send some snaps too, if I am able to). Tulip Gardens are closed for the winter, but there are many other places of interest too.

I am sure some of you are pleasantly surprised at the sudden change of events, but I just wanted to ensure that I reached Europe before I let the cat out of the bag.


I can so get used to the Mercedes taxis in the city. Amazing feeling. The slightly surprising part is to see so many (Maruti) Suzuki Swifts, Altos and Wagon Rs in Hoofddorp (City neighboring Amsterdam, where I am located). Unfortunately, food wise, I am surviving on the McDonald's that is right across the parking lot from the Best Western. Apparently, this is the busiest and largest McD in the Amsterdam area (This is the first McD I have seen in the US, India and Amsterdam combined which has the loudest noise made by the kids. Unreal).

The client is located in a city called Haarlem (pronounced as Haailem) 14 km from Hoofddorp. After initial fears of spending 34 Euros (one way) to reach Haarlem, we found out a bus that takes me to and from the hotel for 8 Euros. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!! Buses are (again), Mercedes. Too rich a continent (Western Europe, that is).

So far the work that has been discussed and brainstormed is very good but I do anticipate long days at the client location, precisely the kind of days I have become used to at El. City, Bangalore for the past 3 months. The only significant difference here might be that there is actual work to be done.

Planned to go around Amsterdam downtown Saturday morning and check out the city. Got some tips from the hotel and was on my way to Amsterdam Centraal Station from Schiphol airport at about 11:15 am. The hustle-bustle at Amsterdam Centraal is no different from what it is at C.S.T in Mumbai. The amazing part about this place is that when a train is timed for say 11:00 am; that is the departure time from the station. The train actually arrives couple minutes before the departure time. Simply keeps getting better. If India wishes to become world-class, here is one such example to follow to a T.

Anyway, coming back to my day-out in Amsterdam. Choose a windy-blustery-rainy-cold day for the walk across the city. Unlike most major cities in the US, Amsterdam downtown is actually a cultural hub as compared to a business district. People just seemed to have such a good time. Walked around Damrak Street for the best part of the afternoon. Dam Square is probably the most happening place in the city and is ideally located in the city center close the A’dam Centraal. Trams, bicycles, cars, buses, horse-carts and people exist peacefully just as cars, buses, trucks, people, cows and dogs exist unpeacefully (but effectively) in India. No honking here either (just like the US).

Made my way to the shopping district, in a location called Koningsplein. Amsterdam is a very fashionable city with almost every brand of clothes, jewelry, watches, shoes etc. known to man (and woman!!) existing in and around the city. The flower market is also an interesting place on the way to the shopping district. Located almost entirely on boats, it is quite a visual treat.

By the way, a major part of Netherlands is below sea level and most of the inhabitants and structures (incl. buildings etc) are constructed on reclaimed land. Amsterdam city has close to 100 canals cutting across the city evenly and hence boats have become an important necessity for trade & industry as well as tourism. As with the canals, there are many more bridges built over and across these canals for easy and convenient transportation. The city has a very rustic charm to it and the government has been very careful and active in keeping up the architectures from the old ages intact.

Now for the part which is the most talked about. My trip to Nieuw Markt, commonly known as the Red Light District of Amsterdam (RDA). The only place in Europe, where prostitution, the world’s oldest profession, is legal. Found a lot of ladies strutting their stuff on windows attracting customers from all parts of the world. The ladies themselves seemed to be from all parts of the world and also ranged from A- to Double Ds in size (if you know what I mean by that). They certainly didn’t like their photographs and videos taken and I certainly didn’t want to risk my life doing that. This experience will die with me one day. Sorry folks, for not getting you the eye candy. The area (and some of the prostitutes) seemed interesting and depressing at the same time. It is said that less than 5% of the prostitutes in the RDA are natives of the Netherlands. For a moment while I was there, I just thought of getting the hell out. Not the kind of place you want to take a date on.

Continuing through the day, I took a boat trip through the multiple canals of Amsterdam. Amsterdam is located on the Amstel river and hence the name. It reminded me of the ferry ride Kirti and I took when we visited NYC in November 2005. Cold and windy! At least this boat had insulated enclosures. The city has its share of churches and museums, zoos and parks and maybe, I would visit these places some day.

Called it a day close to 3:30 pm through an incredible city and I wish, I can experience this place once more on a warm sunny day (are you hearing me, Wipro!!).


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