Sixty years ago on August 20th, in Tamil Nadu, India, a baby boy was born. The second-to-last of many children. He grew up in south India and moved with his family to Bombay to complete his schooling and college. He completed his Bachelor of Science degree and got a job in a bank. By 1976 he was married and well settled into his career and in 1977 his first baby was born. A nasty little rascal at that. Few years later, he welcomed his second gem, a silent but "strong" type. Correction, a silent but "heavy" type. Life moved on and his work was steady in Canara Bank, having risen up within the ranks and transfers to multiple branches including one to a remote village in Tamil Nadu.
I haven't seen anyone do more for his family and siblings than this man. He has been the cornerstone of the family he grew up in and a rock-solid support that everyone was looking for. He supported his sons in whatever they wanted to do and become in life leaving nothing to chance and praying (literally) all the time so that his sons could do what they do best. An extremely humorous person with a great knack of cracking the best jokes at the opportune moment and a golden voice in a family of golden voices when it came to singing. Even though diagnosed with diabetes in his middle ages, he did not stop living his life, living it carefully and "walking" as much as he could to lower the "bad things a.k.a sugar" to acceptable levels.
I have praised him enough. Now retired and enjoying retirement. A man of God. Grandfather to a beautiful little girl. He misses his sons as much as his sons miss him. They are far away from him physically but with him almost everyday (Thanks to Yahoo Messenger and Reliance India Call). And on the most important day of his life, his sons cannot be with him to celebrate his 60th birthday. I am glad his wife of 32 and a half years is by his side.
A man of many sacrifices and a big heart to take the backseat and let his woman do the "talking", I wish him the best in life. He will not be reading this blog but those of you do, hope you realise whom I am talking about here.
Happy Birthday Appa!
I haven't seen anyone do more for his family and siblings than this man. He has been the cornerstone of the family he grew up in and a rock-solid support that everyone was looking for. He supported his sons in whatever they wanted to do and become in life leaving nothing to chance and praying (literally) all the time so that his sons could do what they do best. An extremely humorous person with a great knack of cracking the best jokes at the opportune moment and a golden voice in a family of golden voices when it came to singing. Even though diagnosed with diabetes in his middle ages, he did not stop living his life, living it carefully and "walking" as much as he could to lower the "bad things a.k.a sugar" to acceptable levels.
I have praised him enough. Now retired and enjoying retirement. A man of God. Grandfather to a beautiful little girl. He misses his sons as much as his sons miss him. They are far away from him physically but with him almost everyday (Thanks to Yahoo Messenger and Reliance India Call). And on the most important day of his life, his sons cannot be with him to celebrate his 60th birthday. I am glad his wife of 32 and a half years is by his side.
A man of many sacrifices and a big heart to take the backseat and let his woman do the "talking", I wish him the best in life. He will not be reading this blog but those of you do, hope you realise whom I am talking about here.
Happy Birthday Appa!
hey kirti's birthday coming up so we must be expecting a "good" blog for her.