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11.December.2013 - 11:04 AM, 11:05 AM.

The exact time a year ago today, 2 Angels decided to be part of our lives thereby making every possible aspect of it more meaningful and beautiful.

That you turned out to be a Girl and a Boy made it much more thrilling than we could have ever imagined.

People often said - A complete family in one shot!! (Disclaimer: Our family would have been complete even if we had 2 Riaans or 2 Rivikas).

We always maintained that we wanted 2 healthy babies no matter the sex. And we thank God every single day for that.

But that's not the point now. The point is that it is your First Birthday and it means 365 wonderful, tense, funny, fantastic and emotional days have passed since you first cried your way into our world - and more importantly, became our world.

Time has flown so quickly and memorably that words will not be enough to justify the joys that you brought for us (but I will still try). I know, I am being too wordy and adjective-heavy, but I promise, this is only for your First Birthday. I will find other ways to embarrass you in time for your 2nd one.

That you have graduated with distinction into Toddler-hood gives us immense happiness and we pray you continue your journey to becoming a successful Playback Singer and a Sportswoman (you didn't expect me to forget this part, did you??).

To have made it this far in all your glory, credit must be given to your Grandparents and above all, your Mom. They have made major sacrifices in all aspects of their lives to raise you two. I have been a bit player in this Opera so far being away for work most days when you were at your active best. Because of this, I have only been able to experience your growth and antics via photos, videos and hearsay while Mom and Grandparents were able to enjoy it first hand. It is not easy managing twins and that too when you started scrambling around the house in all possible directions. Mom has juggled her professional life around your growth and despite you giving her some tough nights, she has done her absolute best and nothing but. That she has given you some tough love is another matter altogether.

Thank them for all the work they did for you (and continue to do) - feed you, bathe you, change diapers, get all your meds for you and into you - whether you liked the taste or outright showed your displeasure, put you to sleep, stay awake with you when you decided it was playtime at 3 AM.

By the way, you should know when you read this that we celebrated your birthday in 2 parts. AstroLOGICALLY speaking, the first was on Monday, December 1st, when we had your Ayushyahomam (Star) at home with proper Tamilian rituals. Today, Thursday, December 11th, literally/LOGICALLY speaking is your Birthday, so we planned a small get-together just for select family and friends of Amma, Appa, Paati, Thatha, Ajja and Ajji. We decided against a large gathering in fear of Rivika's discomfort in the company of grown strangers and that rubbing off on Riaan making it a Birthday Party MINUS the Birthday Boy and Girl. And in any case, you both are too small to understand that people are coming to meet you, and bless you.

What I have done is through the course of your first year, I have posted various anecdotes and quirky behaviors displayed by you both on "something" called FaceBook (this Social Network was a big deal in 2014 - who knows what will you be on when you grow up!!). They are in chronological order so that you know what you did while you reached your first major milestone of your lives. Consider it - The Greatest Hits of Your Debut Album.

Rivika and Riaan: Happy Birthday My Loves. Thank you for choosing us to be your parents. This is my proudest moment as your father. May you have the best of health and the most fun growing up!! God Bless You 2. 


April 2014

So my son - all of 4 months - does a thing today that should create a chuckle amongst the men and a look of disgust among the women folk. He has started lifting his legs recently and a few mins back - while trying other things, let out a fart knowing he did it. The wry smile that followed showed that underneath the cute exterior is a weapon of mass destruction capable of being unleashed without notice.
Subtle, he is not!!!

June 2014

At the tender age of 6 months, my daughter checked off one the 7 deadly sins - Envy. The crankiness evident on her face when I was playing with my son said it all. The moment I stopped, she gave out a wry smile.
No such issues with my son. However, if there were an 8th deadly sin - 'Least Bothered' - my son would simply OWN that one hands down.
Happy parenting with Kirti Rajesh

I am afraid my son is turning into a mini Luis Suarez. Not only is he putting everything in the vicinity of 2 feet in his mouth, he is biting the hell out of them.
My finger feels like Giorgio Chiellini's shoulder - temporary bite marks and all, you know the Italian player because of whom Luis is out of the world cup.
FIFA is about to ban my son who has not even started walking yet, let alone have his first tooth protrude out of his gums. 
Growing pains with Kirti Rajesh!!


July 2014

With the twins nearing 7 months, their choice of food is getting clear.
They both are going to love Non-veg and the Brahmin Blood in them has just got to look the other way.
They love chomping at fingers - relishing them like actual kebabs, heck - even toys like Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse are their favs, rather than some lame fruits like orange or strawberry.
Fake brahmins they are going to turn out to be, just like someone I know very closely.
No prizes for guessing!!
Kirti Rajesh is grinning.

August 2014

So I head over to Kirti Rajesh's place a few hours back and I hear my baby girl crying in the bedroom. The lights are switched off and my M-I-L is trying to put Rivika to sleep, who is literally bawling.

I enter the room and she looks at me. It takes a second for the cries to stop and the sweetest dimpled smile to appear.
And did I mention my son Riaan who is normally the cautious one - even with me, crack open a wide grin the moment he laid his eyes on me.
I don't know who is truly overjoyed to see whom. But I am blessed to have babies like these two angels.
What a start to the weekend.

My dear co-inhabitant in Mom's tummy separated by a wall for 9 months and now my room-mate for the past 8 months.
Wish you a very happy first Raksha Bandhan and many many more to come.
Do promise and ensure to protect me always or else Dad will kick your butt until we are small and then I will.
I love you lots Riu. To the best brother in the whole wide world.
XOXOXO a.k.a Hugs n Kisses
Rakhi 101 with Kirti.


September 2014

My daughter is going to be an "OutStanding" person wherever she goes.
Case in point: Whenever we go 'Out', she only wants to 'Stand'. 

You know whoever said raising twins is hard, knew what they were saying.
But they missed saying a key point. As in the pure joy they bring to our lives.
After a long day at work when you are dead tired and want to reach home to your kids, you see one of them is just cranky enough to not want to be in your arms, whereas you turn around to see the other one with open arms and a look in their eyes that screams, 'just pick me up already, will ya!!'
The hug that follows?? Ah, Heaven on Earth 
And when both drop their stupid toys down to come running towards you - Indescribable!!

With the kids turning 9 months old, their behaviors are getting unique, nuttier and unsurprisingly, crazier. Due to this, their schooling choices are almost set in stone.
My daughter, being the angel that she is, will definitely be going to an "International School". Exorbitant fees be damned!! Ah, that dimpled smile is going to melt away the harshest of hearts.
On the other hand, my son, being the anti-angel that he is turning out to be, is definitely going to a...."Boarding School". Ah, the yelling is not going away anytime soon!!
Having said that, both drive Kirti nuts at times so bad, that she would like them to be in an "International Boarding" School. As in far far away.
As for herself when the antics are in full swing, I bet sometimes she wishes that she could go to a different planet. Now, if only, ISRO could successfully complete a Mars Mission. Oh wait!!
#‎Toocutetobetrue ‪#‎donttrythisathome

October 2014

So Rivika has developed a vocabulary that goes in reverse. She started with 'Kh' to 'Gaey' and today, the tape recorder was playing 'Eeeeee'. Surely by her first birthday, she will blurt out an 'A' or a spectacular version of it.
Riaan, on the other hand, still has not moved past Bhaigiri, that is, his recorder is still stuck at 'Aye, Aye'.

On this very auspicious occasion of the Festival of Lights, Kirti Rajesh and I wish you and your families a Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year.
Most importantly, this year, 2 additional VIPs would like to extend their warmest wishes and regards to all our friends as well.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Rivika and Riaan!!!

As one started standing up on its own, it seems the dimpled smile doesn't appear until the applause begins and fades away only after ALL eyes have looked the other way.
Attention seeker this one is. No prizes for guessing which one I am talking about.
The other, well let's just say, would walk over the first one as if its an obstacle course.
Isn't it obvious which one this is? 
‪#‎lookatme ‪#‎idontcarewhoyouare

November 2014

Another one of R2's behavioral quirks.
Picture this.
I go to my in-laws after 4 days where the kids are. As soon as they see me, they take a moment to gather their thoughts and then crack a smile.
However, as soon as their eyes meet the colorful toy that I brought for them, they make a dash for it as if it was a lifesaver.
Daddy who, they might say.
On top of this, after playing with the toy for about couple of minutes, when I call out for them, Rivika comes running to daddy dearest while Riaan gets pulled deeper and deeper into the materialistic world. He doesn't give a rat's ass whether someone is calling him or not. He continued to play with the toy.
He is like this Energizer Bunny who kept going on and on 
But, the moment you say 'Bye Bye'; Oh boy, is that his trigger or what. The arms open as if he were SRK and you his Kajol!! 
‪#‎boyswillbeboys ‪#‎daddysgirl

One of the most frequently used words my kids hear is NO.
As in...
NO putting finger/pen/fluffy toys in the mouth.
NO putting finger through the electrical socket.
NO pulling flowers/leaves.
NO poking pen in the face/eye.
NO pulling Riaan's hair.
NO stamping on Rivika's head.
NO beheading the doll.
NO eating the doll's leg.
You get the idea and the increasing severity of barbaric actions.
There are some other unmentionable actions as well that will stay away from the social domain for all of eternity. That's the most difficult NO item of all. Men will understand and certain Moms of boys will too!!
These two, growing up, will think that they were raised in North Korea and so I expect a lot of (pent up) rebellion in the years to come. God save us!!  #‎dontsayNO
With the kids about to graduate from Infant to Toddler status in less than a months time, we see them responding to words and sentences.
It so happens that their father talks in Tamil (or an undocumented/unreliable version of it) (don't laugh), mother talks in Tulu (OK, laugh), nanny talks in Marathi, they are raised in an environment that has Hindi sprinkled around and growing up in a cosmo city like Mumbai where English is liberally used.
With 5 languages that they will apparently master (or at least I hope they do), I am glad if nothing else works out career-wise, there will always be good ol' Tourist Guide position up for grabs.
Watch out; the good people of the Hindi Heartland, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu!!! You will be mesmerized. #mindyourlanguage #hopethisdaynevercomes #gaatarahemeradil

These kids, I tell you...
Like good parents that we are (clearing throat), we bought them couple of Mickey/Minnie Mouses after long deliberations whether to buy them or not.
And the moment they laid their hands and eyes on the soft toys, the expression was nothing short of pure joy (pure joy is the same for infants and adults alike - that is genius). That made for a good 2-3 photos and video clips.
Oh well, the euphoria lasted maybe 5 minutes - I am being very generous here.
And yes, they will happily point to where Mickey is hung on the wall unit when you ask both, "Mickey Engey?"
Within no time, they discarded the new ones and went back to their old favorites - a blue scoop from their formula box, a plastic lid of a box and a dirty old soft toy that has been chewed on for God knows how long.
With this in mind, these 2 will not know what New Toys are in the near future. They don't care anyways - except when they do and scream their lungs out for one.
They are literally, "Old" school. Do you think they will like a puppy if we get them one? Maybe if it were used. 

December 2014

We started dressing up these two in Onesies (again) for the winter (and that too after a long gap) and I must say, they look too cute with their small bellies protruding out :). They sometimes keep patting their tummies for no reason other than the fact that they can see them sticking out.

Previously, their attire of our choice were vests (banians) and the shortest of shorts during summer and monsoon. One look and you would feel like you've seen them somewhere - like right outside any station (you know what I mean if you've traveled by a Mumbai local before).

So the most incredible thing happens a short while ago, prior to one of the most important milestones of his young life.
The Big Guy takes his first few unassisted steps - complete with a 100 Watt smile and a Zombie style walking pattern.
And as we scramble to get a video, we realize one thing.....
Bugger is stark freakin' naked. There goes the photo-op chance for us. Poof!!!
He will hate me for sharing this on a public platform, but heck, he pays the price for this "misstep".
YEAR #TWO BEGINS!!!! God only knows what's in store. Can't Wait!!


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