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"My" Day

Dear Riaan and Rivika,

This is a letter dedicated to you guys because this day is possible only due to you guys. Get it yet? It's MY first Father's Day - and with that comes a few wishes, a few expectations and a few niceties. It is quite possibly the best 'non-birthday, non-anniversary' day of my life.

Mark this date: 15th June 2014.

Years from now when you get yourselves on the internet (with or without my permission) and stumble upon this post, I want you to know how much you both mean to me and how cherished and fulfilled I am this Father's Day.

You came in to my world 6 months back (well, technically - 15 months back) and life has been simply surreal. For the most part, it's been beautiful and FUN (a very underrated part of this period). People asked, "Is it tough with twins?". I replied with, "It's just two....Awesome". Life is tough, but you guys were worth the wait. I wouldn't have it any other way.

With Mum's first Mother's Day (duh! You say) in the rear-view mirror (11th May 2014), I turn all attention to myself for this first one and many more to come. Trust me, when you read this, you are reading Mum's thoughts as well. That you have troubled her more than you have troubled all others combined notwithstanding, she still thanks her stars everyday to have you both in her life. Just remember to thank her for her sacrifices (she is an owl - meaning she stays up late, but you both have driven her nuts at times with your very late night antics - all for a good cause - while I have comfortably slept under the guise of having to go to office the next morning).

However, one question still lingers. Whom do you guys resemble? While I like to take full credit and say you both look like me (Rivika >> Riu - I love you both unconditionally and equally), I have been repeatedly shown the door (or the middle finger - depending on whom you ask). Exit polls show that Riu looks like me (if you are from Dad's side) or Ajji (if you are from Mum's side of the family) and Riku positively is Kirti v2.0 according to several Lie-Witnesses (Don't worry Riku, it's a good thing that someone does resemble Mum after all).

Back to Father's Day and what it means to me. It means, I am truly blessed and must have done something right to deserve you both in my life (marrying Mum is not a qualifier here - that is a given - **gently removes the knife from the throat**). I pray for your good health(s) and hope that Riu, you become the nation's best Playback Singer (I will explain this rationale/intention to you when you grow up). Riku, I have not quite decided what I want you to become but that will happen in due course before you start to realize why is Dad so hell bent on making me do this. I am leaning towards making you a Sports Star (a Tennis Champ or a Saina Nehwal incarnate) but we will cross that bridge when I make up my mind. Don't think for one second that academics is going to take a back seat to all of this. Most parents dream of their child/children becoming top notch Doctors or Engineers, but I want to positively leave the generation older than mine (and especially their thinking) in the past. I want you both to be fiercely independent - after you top your respective XII exams - and after you become a Playback Singer - and after you become a Sports Star. Nothing less will do. No pressure, just sayin!! Didn't I mention you both will join self-defense classes at an appropriate age? Yes, you both have your plates full with me as you caretaker :)

This is what I want you both to be, but you both can absolutely choose what your heart and mind pleases. If you both are academically inclined, you have my full backing. If you want to get into the performing arts field (not the boring painting-type arts, please - that's a hobby not a career choice), you have my full backing. The only thing I don't want you to be is a Banker (I have seen my best friend painfully complain every day about the travails of his job and for starters, he won't allow his kid to willingly choose the profession he so desperately wants to get out of himself - so there's that).

I conclude my Father's Day meme with this. I love you both so much and I hope I can give you the best childhood that you can possibly have and I hope I can support you to the best of my abilities. I pray to be the best father you both so thoroughly deserve. All the very best in dealing with me - you will need it!!



Ananymous said…
Happy Father's Day, Rajesh! Lovely post. You really deserve this day today and the many, many, many more yet to come. :-)

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