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"Banana" Republic

Just recently, a certain Mr. Robert Vadra had proclaimed on Facebook that India is a Banana Republic. I am sure with the recent turn of events in Delhi, he didn't exactly have this in mind.

And by this I mean the brutal, unthinkable gangrape of a 23 year old paramedical student in a moving bus by 6 "banana" wielding sickos. The woman's "crime" was to catch a bus after a late evening movie along with her male friend. The woman was gangraped, beaten brutally and the male was beaten up (with iron rods) for trying to help the woman and both of them were thrown out of the moving bus after the job was done.

There is a sort of comical saying that goes by "All men think with their di*ks". So bloody apt for this episode and for countless others that do go documented (and several that don't) in the news but the rapists go scot-free. There is never any regard for human life. None. Who in their right mind rapes and then chucks the victim out of a moving vehicle as if her life means nothing.

Page after page, article after article are justifiably about this gruesome incident and the impending justice for this braveheart who has positively said, SHE WANTS TO LIVE. Bloody hell, she HAS to live. I keep hearing of medical procedures that literally seem like Latin and Greek to me. The woman is in pain but has the cognizance about the hoopla surrounding her. My hats off to you and I pray that you live a 100 years HAPPILY.

It's not just her, but reading the newspapers today, multiple cases of rapes (minor girls, that too) and molestation still continue to dominate headlines. The State plans on doling out the harshest punishments for the 'accused'. In the above mentioned case, all 6 accused are arrested and 1 wanted the easy way out by saying "Mujhe Phaansi Do" (Hang me). Oh no. This is what should happen.

Castrate them, cut off of their hands, gouge out their eyes and then throw them out of a moving bus, and if they survive this ordeal, give the rape victim an iron rod and let her finish them off. Justice should be harsh and swift. I know this won't happen but still, there is nothing wrong with hoping.

I know. Brutal right. But it just feels so right. It has to be. Sex starved men just prowl the streets of Delhi (and other cities) looking to get their 5 minutes of pleasure not even having the slightest decency to keep their horny thoughts to themselves and ruin the lives of unsuspecting and innocent women.

Make prostitution legal. I have said this and felt this many times. It is probably the only way to solve this and of course, make an example of this case  so that no one even tries it. Our movies titillate so much that these beasts are looking for a "way out", if you know what I mean. These morons take the term "Do not try this at home" literally and as a result, the very streets of India are the canvass for the inhumane crimes against women.

In closing, there is another famous saying, "Pen is mightier than the sword". While several jokes have been made by removing the "space" between pen and is, I think, in this case, it would serve us well if the sword takes the upper hand.

Stupid, Banana Republic.



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