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Death, Destruction and Innocence Lost

Warning: This post has a few expletives. Please do not continue further if you will be offended by the choice of words used in this post.

I watched The Dark Knight Rises over the weekend and thought that I will write a blog about how marvelous the movie was and hoped to inject some funny ideas that I had of my own but after watching the news recently, I decided to do a 180 and write a serious post.

Recently in the news was how a minor in Guwahati was molested by a mob of 14 (or 17 depending on which news outlet you follow) that was (allegedly) instigated by a member of a local media group. His name is Gaurav Jyoti Neog. The photos of the molesters were posted across the city and some of them were even arrested. The ring-leader (Amar Jyoti Kalita) was still missing until a few days ago and has been apprehended. Fucker had absconded to Varanasi. Probably to wash his sins in the Ganga. The Assam police have the fucking audacity to say that they cannot be at every place where a crime is happening. Granted you cannot be at every goddamn place in the state to establish Law and Order but at least be mindful of your statements and choice of words and show some sympathy towards the victim and promise to bring the molesters to justice. Even worse than the incident was how the identity of the minor was revealed to the world by the Chief Minister's office. Have they no shame!! Bloody bullshit. Heard that the instigator of the mob has turned himself in. Middle-class India hopes that justice will be done but middle-class India knows nothing substantial will come out.

India's leading auto company, Maruti Suzuki, has a plant in Manesar, Haryana which makes the No.1 selling Maruti Swift and DZire and many other popular vehicles. Just last week, due to an apparently minor issue, an organized mob of over 3000 people attacked the plant and burnt to death the General Manager of HR (Awanish Kumar) after breaking both his legs and setting the place on fire. No one came to help him and Awanish suffocated and was burnt to death ALIVE. Not one of the 3000 person mob was injured but 46 others were. Media reports that there have been anywhere between 88-91 arrests made. The Union leader who instigated the mob is still roaming free, probably due to political connections. What on earth is going on? Welcome to India where innocent lives are ruthlessly taken away and the guilty roam free. The plant has been shut down and production has been halted. No Swift for me and NO JUSTICE FOR AWANISH. Even God himself cannot make this situation any better.

In other news, a 19 year old girl in Karnataka was thrown out of a moving train after being molested by a group of pathetic fucking assholes. More sadly, the remaining travelers did not have the balls to stop this atrocity from happening. Miraculously, the girl survived and a person on the train had the presence of mind or social responsibility of calling the police. The travelers (who watched the SHOW) did thrash the living daylights of the youths who dared to impose their will on the girl. Little consolation, eh?

In the state of Assam (been in the news quite often of late), there are riots on the streets as there are clashes between illegal immigrants (mostly Muslims) and Bodos. 36 dead and thousands displaced. The army is now in full force trying to stop the violence. What are we heading towards? Doomsday couldn't come any sooner for India.

In Colorado, US, James E. Holmes, all of 24, opened fire at a movie theater screening The Dark Knight Rises and promptly killed 12 people and injured 50+. Claims he is The Joker from the Batman movies. What, that gives you the license to kill. Bloody Motherfucker. He showed no remorse, no guilt and worst of all, no humanity. Gun laws are pathetic in the US and everyone who bears a firearm in the US, will cry about the right to bear firearms as it is in the Constitution. This is the world we live in, where even going to the movies will have to be considered 10 times before leaving home.

There are many more such stories that break my heart and compound the anger. But there is nothing that I can do (at least I feel helpless that this is happening around me and around us). I wish there is some sort of vigilante out there who has the skills, the resources and the information to take out these offenders and give them the Batman treatment. Is there a Bruce Wayne out there to don a mask and rid India's Gotham of the criminally insane and bring justice and order to a democracy riddled with corruption, gundagiri, mob mentality and restore some order of lawfulness.

Batman, if you are reading this, your services are required now more than ever. The Dark Knight needs to rise again!!


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