Nearly a month into our return from “the land of opportunities”, I am trying to figure out the opportunities the Motherland has to offer. Being in India , the key thing I DON’T need to worry about is whether a company has to sponsor a visa for me, but rather will I find the quality of a potential new job satisfying and challenging and of course, how much moolah will I be offered. Having said that, one probably has to fight off the “slave mentality” of Indian managers here and the unsaid requirements of long hours at work (never a handicap but leaving the office at around 5:30 PM might still be considered “half-day” by certain nut-cases totally ignorant about the fact that the work-day began at or before 8:00 AM). Being a firebrand myself, it’s definitely going to be tempting for me to fight back (and I mostly will in my own subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle ways) to such Oppressors when the need arises.
Almost every good paying position in my industry and whereabouts seemingly require an MBA from a worthy B-school so it is going to be hard-pressed to convince a hiring authority what “qualities” I bring to the table (to my utter dismay, blogging does not qualify) that someone with an MBA degree does not have. I have the answer in my head (give the GMAT/CAT and get into a worthy B-school for a 1-year MBA degree).
I should have kept the above 2 paragraphs out of this post, but my reading public is just a handful of people that have to be reminded about a new blog post (via Facebook, that too), so I am not preaching to the choir here.
On a lighter note, I did go on a date last weekend with a close friend of K and had a fun time with her (I am not going to name you, but you know who you are). We shared a good time over coffee and after being given some dirty looks by the restaurant staff, had to move our conversation downstairs where even more dirty looks followed and we eventually had to get another drink to wind up our evening. K did call to check-in and while my “date” did do a good job of making K feel at least a little bit jealous, K did not flinch (totally expected move considering we both know K for a long time now and K surely knows we both are just “cows”, definitely not capable of straying from the norm). More importantly, my date didn’t hear from her husband either (and that didn’t seem to affect the good time we had J). Did get to see her little girl though and she has turned out to be quite the cutie-pie she was expected to be. A lot shyer than when she last met us nearly 2 years back (and back then she couldn’t let go off me and I was just too happy to be in her company). Lady, thanks for your time, we should do it again some other time J
Oh, I saw my niece as well and that’s another cutie. Weirdly, I have seen her in even number years (0, 2, 4 and now 6 years old) so I have to break that pattern and definitely see her again through this year and next. K has not seen her since 2009 and she will pleasantly be surprised on how far she has come since the years past.
Finished my quota of night shift at work for 2 consecutive weeks and now I can proudly say, I have done it. Not the night shift part, but the hibernation part where sleeping from 3:00 AM to 2:00 PM definitely messes up your body clock and I had to stay away from one of my favorite hobbies (not what you think, you crazies), EAT (I definitely live to eat). Little consolation that I have been awake since last night and have been blogging about it on Sunday morning where I could be nicely tucked away until early afternoon. Back to human conditions starting Monday, so definitely looking forward to it.
So long then..
Your good name please?