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Mickey's in the House

Destination: _ORLANDO, FL
Subjects: _R, K, Sa, Su

Yes, the goal was that simple and every detail was hashed out to perfection (K gets the credit here).

We reached Orlando late night on Thursday with the expectation of a Magical ride for the next 4 days and we were not disappointed. In fact, we were thrilled at the prospect of spending the next few days away from the hassles of work and the not-so-cold winter of the Northeast and Midwest.

Checked into Disney's Pop Century Resort, which was the cheapest of all the available resort options. While it certainly hurt the pockets (partial Mission failure #1 - there will be more), the amenities were sufficient for 4 adults.

With great expectations, the 4 subjects reached the hyped Studio attraction. Great expectations stemming from the fact that R and Sa had already experienced a terrific time at Universal California. With a heavy heart I must say, we were deeply disappointed. The crowd was less than lively and the rides were just Eh!
Shrek (4D Adventure), Rip Ride Rocket, Terminator 2 (3D Adventure), Mummy Returns (the ride), Twister and a walk through the simulated streets of Hollywood were some of the day's bright and not-so bright spots.

The key thing was the Fear Factor experience which R and Sa took part in. Live audience and some true tests for overcoming fear (namely - wearing Spandex, having your endurance tested by hanging from 30-40 feet, picking bean bags from an Eel tank and flinging dead Octopus into a bucket). While Sa did the bean bag stunt, yours truly was left to conquer his fear by spending time with Octopussy (3 of them). While we did not make it to the finale, we had a great time and the audience surely got a laugh out of 2 desis with bulging bellies and spandex (I know for certain K and Su did). Just like 6 1/2 years ago, when garlands covered the unmentionables, safety harnesses saved the day (ever so slightly).

After barely getting out of the Studios, Mutha Nature (one of the themes at the Disaster Movies attraction) unleashed her fury with rains barreling down and effectively shutting down the park for the rest of the evening. We made our way back to the resort and looked forward to Day 2.

Stands for Every Person Comes Out Tired or Every Pocket Cleaned Out Totally.

This was the first of 2 Disney parks on the schedules that drained out the finances (partial Mission failure #2). The tickets for the attractions were exorbitant (it was as if Mickey's smily face was nothing but "gotcha suckers, thanks for your generous contribution"). Epcot was by far the best theme park, consisting of futuristic rides and a World Showcase having themes for 12 countries around the world (Mexico, Norway, China, Africa, Germany, Italy, America, Morocco, Japan, France, the UK and Canada). While some of the countries were worth visiting, others were just space fillers. Describing each experience would be a futile waste of my time and yours, so I will just say, good job - Mexico, Norway, China, UK and Morocco.

Of all the attractions we visited here, most noteworthy were SOARIN', Living with the Land, Turtle Talk with Crush, Mission Space and Spaceship Earth. Mission Space (an expedition to Mars) was the best ride of all with SOARIN' a very close second. With loads of pictures with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Pluto, the day was awesome overall and the night ended with a terrific laser and fireworks show.


Sea World stands for SEA WORLD. Moving on...
We started our day with heavy rains and ended our day in Disney Downtown with Sa getting blisters on his foot. We have collectively never purchased so many memorabilia but hey, it's Walt Disney World and they need our money.

Sea World: Lots of fishes, Sharks, awesome Dolphins, Sea Lions, Walrus, and mind-blowing Whales (Shamu). Sea World is Shamu and Shamu is Sea World. Getting these gigantic beasts to listen to humans is an art form and we really appreciated the Showmanship (should call it ShowWhaleship, if you would pardon my lame attempt at a joke). We also witnessed a show called A'lure (ala Cirque Du Soleil) which was great (the Chinese are so good at what they do) and also had a stomach churning experience in Wild Arctic.

Downtown Disney: Coolest little space with rocking music and a lively crowd. Had a great sandwich for dinner and the creamiest Tomato soup ever (glad we didn't have to wear Spandex after that, you would have thought, why are Walruses roaming around outside Sea World).

After a rainy and tired Day 3, we so looked forward to Magic Kingdom.


WARNING: Extremely cheesy place to be if you are an Adult. Be very careful.
Crowds at Universal, Epcot, Sea World, Disney Downtown combined were no match for what was in store at Mickey's house. You need more than a day to cover the entire Kingdom considering everyone visits this place.

The Castle which is as synonymous with Disney as is Mickey and his friends, was a sight to behold. Just beautiful during the day and Magical during the night.

Wait times for the rides were too long and the rides themselves were for the kids or for adults who act as kids. K and Su did end up meeting and greeting all the Disney Princesses so their day was enjoyable but for Sa and me (more so me), it was just like "I need to get back to Chicago and spend 10 hours at work". That was until the Electrical Parade started, the laser show took it to the next level and the fireworks reminded why we were in Disney in the first place. You have to see it to believe it. The laser show is the best you will experience, considering they use Cinderella's Castle as the background.

All in all, a magical time (just as Walter Disney had envisioned when the parks opened in 1971). A word about the Disney organization. A remarkable job by the team, considering managing so many people without any hassles, crystal clear directions to any place you want to be and cleanliness all around you truly makes you want to tip your hat to the team.

So in the end, while the Mission was to have an awesome time and not max out the CC, we certainly did have one of the best vacations we could have had (awesome time - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED), we spent money like there was no tomorrow (and it was necessary). I am wondering would you pay me to read my next adventure so that I can cover the costs of a truly wonderful trip ;) Just sayin'

PS: Hi Tanu, your request for a shout-out was just in time.


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