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Memorial Day 2011

Between India's World Cup victory and now, there have been quite a few significant "world" events - like the Royal Wedding and the death of OBL - but I just thought there is nothing new to share about these topics anyways. For one, I still hold a grudge against England for all those years of colonial rule and the bloodshed that resulted in splitting an undivided India. Secondly, writing about OBL was just too sensitive (even for my blog) but more importantly there was nothing that I could have written that would have been even remotely interesting.

So finally, with the advent of summer, it was that time of the year when the sunrise feels just a little bit happier and the evenings a lot more longer - Memorial Day Weekend 2011. Just like last year, Kirti and I met with few of our closest friends from New Jersey (Sam and Such) and from Nebraska (Yogesh and Anuja).

The planning for the trip began much earlier in late March when a casual conversation turned into where to do we meet this year. Little did we know Y&A had already reserved their train tickets to Chicago with a simple IM on G-talk saying "we booked the train tickets...see you soon". What followed soon after that was a mad scramble to get S&S their flight tickets.

April flew by and May was just beginning to warm up and we couldn't wait to get them here. With a little bit of confusion (Y&A) and a whole lot of delays (S&S), the six of us finally were at one spot. While we met S&S last year and Anuja had (with a weird twist of fate) come home last year, it was a long time for Sameer, me and Yogesh to meet up. The last time was in Minneapolis - and that was ages ago.

We planned on going camping to a place called Oregon (roughly 90 miles from home and about 25 miles south of Rockford) - to Lowden State Park. We had rented a cabin for couple of days and had barbeque on the menu for both days. With Chef-in-chiefs (Yogesh and Such) being so good at what they do (prepping the chicken), the rest of us got to work with packing and getting ready on Saturday morning. Additional items on the menu included - corn, bhel, kababs, burritos and drinks, of course. With 2 cars packed to the rim, the ladies (driven by Kirti) and gents (driven by yours truly) were on our way out of Chicago. With one anxious moment (Kirti would vehemently disagree), we reached our destination (the cozy cabin with comfy bunk-bends and a double bed) with the weather gods threatening us with rain.

Undeterred by the gloomy climate, Sam started the grill and we followed his lead. Chomping on juicy chicken and corn for about an hour, we decided to get some action (by way of playing some tennis, cricket and hiking). The guys - went their separate ways playing tennis at a local school tennis court - while the ladies ended up with hiking and photo sessions.

At night, we fired up the grill again and had a nice bonfire where drinks were served and songs of old filled the evening. Once the wood turned to ash, we turned our attention to playing cards and Pictionary inside the cabin, wee hours in to the morning. The fun we had while playing Pictionary was a sight to behold as each one of us had a varying degree of emotions while trying to convey to the team the word on the card (anger, frustration, total confusion were just some of them) with the sand-clock reminding us of the impending time.

While we got away relatively unscathed on Saturday, the heavens reminded us that Mother Nature still holds all the power. She unleashed such an unrelenting downpour that we had no option but to wrap things up on Sunday afternoon and head back home. While K, A, Such and Y had at least got to brush their teeth and freshen up, Sam and I had to enjoy the bhel and coffee as-is.

We got home to Chicago on Sunday afternoon and feasted on veggie burgers and fries - what an awesome answer to crappy weather. Unfortunately, yours truly fell victim to a terrible cold that did not go away until after the weekend was over. Determined to work my way out of misery, I took my share of medications and felt just good enough to venture out for dinner. After a good time spent at TGIF, we came back home for another round of Pictionary and a card game called - Kaali ki Tirri.

While I was a spectator to what was unarguably the funniest round of Pictionary ever - Sameer imagining an Octopus to be an Amoeba, misinterpreting and funnily enough for the rest of us - calling the word Sundae a spelling mistake and venturing out to draw a wall calendar - which pretty much looked like a temple or a multi-storey building. Words cannot justify the fun that we had that night.

Soon enough, it was Monday and it was time for Y&A to head back to Nebraska (after spending a few hours in downtown Chicago). After barely making it in time for their train to downtown, Sam and I went back home and the four of us went out to lunch and ended up going to Wilmette to the Baha'i temple. While the ladies were keen to get some good pictures, Sam and I were more interested in the lovely beauties (architectural, that is *wink wink*). Despite signs of "no photography allowed", there was no dearth of aspiring photographers (including Sam) willfully and intentionally breaking the rules of the meditation place. With that all wrapped up, we had a nice round of mini-golf and we called the night with couple of hours of bowling.

Tuesday came quickly and alas, with all good things, this trip also came to an end. Kirti went to work early so that she could make it back in time for the drive to Milwaukee to drop Sam and Such.

We wish we could have more of these days everyday but memories of such an awesome and relaxing time are with us only in the photos and videos. We had a terrific time with you guys and we always wish for more.

Thanks Yogesh, Anuja, Sam and Sucheeta for spending a fantastic weekend with us.

Time to think about the July 4th weekend now. Oh wait, isn't that already done. Nevermind.


Anonymous said…
Awesome summary of all the fun things we did !
Keep writing..... I love reading your blogs.


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