Like last year we had Ganpati celebrations at my place. But a lot of things had changed from 2007. Most importantly, for obvious reasons, Kirti wasn't here although she did help a lot in the preparations.All the furniture was gone for reasons less said the better. The idol itself was "Made in China" (not kidding). The events were low-key this year compared to last as lot of people from Wipro and HCL moved on with their careers to different parts of the U.S. There were some new faces this year.
It started getting colder much earlier as compared to any of the previous 6 years since I have been here. Looks like the making of a long and cold winter is ahead of us. In the office, it feels terribly similar to a freezer. I think the facilities department didn't get the message to turn up the heat.
India trip just about 3 months away. Very excited. I felt couple of months ago that 25 days would be a good enough vacation. But as the time nears and the list of work that needs to be done there gets longer by the week, it seems like a bargain gone wrong, especially with the deals that others have got for themselves. I can imagine the rush that I am going to feel to extend the vacation once I am there. I am expecting Mumbai to change a lot and hope my expectations are met.
Nothing more to rave about since the last time I wrote. Going through the motions. Work is great but I need some change. The challenge that I face is daunting but can be handled with proper planning and execution which unfortunately wasn't thought of during the previous stage of the project. Times are tough, its time I got tougher.