This week, Tata Sons Chairman Mr. Ratan Tata unveiled the Nano.
Proud moment for India and the Tata group, coming up with the cheapest car in the world. The car is going to be a sure fire hit among middle-class India. The dream of Ratan Tata to "give" more to the common man is going to help the TATA brand even further. Agreed that the car does not boast of lot of features that standard cars have but then again, standard cars do not come with a price tag of Rs 1,00,000/-. The thing State Governments will have to think about now is, how on earth are we going to build more roads to accomodate these Nanos? India will have to think fast in the right direction before we end up with too many cars and too less roads. Mind you, the situation in metros and other B-cities aren't that great now anyways. I get a feeling, the Nano is going to eliminate all the auto-rickshaws rather than challenge the bike and motorcycle segment. Multi-storey parking lots are the need of the hour as well. Otherwise, we are looking at Grid-locks, like the one predicted for New York City in the near future, where cabs and cars once inside the city are going to over-populate the city so much that vehicles won't be able to move straight, turn right or turn left. Lets hope that doesn't happen with Indian cities.
In other personal news, going to Puerto Rico for 5 days on a business trip. Sounds cool to say business trip. Sight-seeing is also on the agenda and so is visiting Atlanta for a few hours. From the experience of 2 other groups who have already been there, the weather is going to be great and so are the beaches (and of course, the ladies!!). Kirti won't be joining me as she doesn't any holidays but she will be in Atlanta over the weekend visiting her friends.
And for those who care, in (American) Football news, Green Bay Packers (led by Brett Favre) and New England Patriots (led by Tom Brady) won their respective play-off games and are in the conference Championship games.
May the force be with you. More next time, from Puerto Rico.