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Showing posts from November, 2012

Let the madness begin...

I had written a post this past Sunday regarding the death and funeral of You Know Who but I had to take it down hours after I had posted it as a mark of RESPECT *wink* to the departed soul. I still have that post in my draft and when the right time comes (if ever) that post will be up. Unfortunately, the arrest of 2 girls for stating the truth landed them in jail and showed true colors of a  mob , correction, political organization mourning the loss of their leader. Good for the girls, they are free on bail now albeit after being forced to apologize and their families being lighter by Rs 15000 or so each. Who pays for the repair of the clinic? Your guess is as good as mine. So moving on to better things. It's THANKSGIVING in the US and while my buddies enjoy the 4 day weekend extravaganza, there is a small matter of Splurging. That's right - Black Friday is sandwiched between Turkey Day and Football Saturday and Sunday. The day when America enjoys a kick to it's downtrod...

Dear Ex..

Dear Ex-employer, Just yesterday, I ended our 5.5+ year relationship. A relationship that started in the US and finished its course in India. And with that, I wanted to thank you for your collaboration and support. Here are some good things that happened during our time together.. Met and made some friends who have become so close that they are above "friends" now (you know who you are). Even though the first project separated K and I location-wise, the second one more than made up for it (longer project). The 2 big projects added up some terrific work experiences - challenging and interesting - at both projects and hopefully made a lasting impression at both customer locations (I know some of the client colleagues miss me & I miss working with them and their warmth and camaraderie were beautiful). You sent me back to the US after the first debacle into a role that was never done before by me but which now has become the basis for my current role, so Thank You...