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Showing posts from February, 2013

Theego Talks

Recently, someone really close to me had an awakening. Let's call him - Theego. We meet practically everyday (he has been with me the entire time) and most of the time, he is in complete control of his emotions. He thought (wrongly) for a long time that he is perfect and in good health - a little paunch is no shortcoming, or so he thought. So after having moved to India at the same time as me, he started to get pampered by his family. And the pounds (lbs) (or kgs) started piling up in all the wrong places. Let's call it, generically as - The Pit. Work from home certainly added to the woes but he was never one to admit. Soon, pants that were once comfortable to wear started becoming too tight for comfort. Shirts that had a nice feel to them, started bulging near the Pit. Alas, Life was no cake walk (Oh! Cake, yummy - see that's what I am talking about). At work, in spite of a very easy schedule, food was never far away. No matter how much Theego thought he was fine,...

The Dry Patch

So January blew past us and the blog was not updated. Quite unlike me, but there was nothing worthwhile to write about. No events captured my attention strong enough to warrant a post. A trip to Chennai happened last week for work and it was the longest day I have had for a while going for massive stretches of time without sleep or rest. The traffic certainly added to the woes as heavy construction for a Metro rail line clogs much of the available space in the city. It will be at least a couple of years until we see lesser congestion on the streets of my actual "motherland". Mumbai needs to ramp up its Metro construction to cover a wider audience. So far, it is only the privileged few of Mumbai's western suburbs and SoBo folks who, once the construction is actually over, will get to experience the "experience". A strange thing happened while I was in Chennai and it was all thanks for my name. You see, Rajesh Anantharaman definitely lights up some of the lo...